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Greenberg, Professor of Sociology, New York University With this benchmark work, lesbian and gay studies comes of age. Essential for social science scholars and students of gay/queer studies' - David F. This book is bound to be an important resource in a burgeoning field' - Janice Irvine, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst `The Handbook of Gay and Lesbian Studies, assembled by two leading theorists of sexuality, makes available more than two dozen new cutting-edge essays in gay studies. The Introduction is a simple and accessible overview of the changing faces of theory and research over many decades. From politics to health, cyber-queers to queer families, the review essays in this volume cover all the important bases of GLB history and politics. It is a guide to the state of the art, and invaluable for scholars throughout the world' - Ken Plummer, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex and Editor of Sexualities `This book is unique in lesbian and gay studies.

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This volume brings together key authors in the field in 26 major essays and provides a clear sense of just how much has been achieved.

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`The creation of a new field of lesbian and gay studies over the past thirty years has been a fascinating project.

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